The End of an Era
An Era Ends, While Change is Never-Ending
As we step into this space of being our authentic selves and becoming more and more of who we are made to be, we undergo through a constant “metamorphosis.” And as we do so, it ripples to the people around us and our impact grows bigger when we are thriving.
Over the last five years, my metamorphic change has been profound. I came from this place of not knowing which way is up or which way to go. I was just trying to survive every day.
So much has happened (mostly challenges) that lead me to my decluttering journey. Because a big part of getting out of the dark is letting go of what is not serving you or what is trying to hold you back. By doing this, you are also giving space for people and things that you could thrive with. That’s why soooo much of my coaching and serving is about helping women release burdens, and focus and create space for the things that matter the most to them.
Because we are all walking around carrying so much weight in our backpacks. What can we let go of? What weight can we leave behind so that we can RISE?
In the process of change I know that I will be doing things outside of my comfort zone, or things that I am not used to. But there’s comfort in knowing that I am going where I’m supposed (or want) to go regardless of the challenges.
But don’t get me wrong. I still don’t have the full picture of what I am going to be, who I’m going to serve, my destination, etc. We’ll never fully know. But I do know that in this season, something in me tells me that I should do something different. And I need to honor that.
Where We are Headed
I’ve always wanted to help women achieve their highest goals and unlock their greatest potentials. And what I found to be the most sustainable way of making this happen is by tapping into our cycles as women! Because when you flow along with your hormonic cycle, you would be able to maximize your productivity, creativity, rest, sense of balance, etc. It’s important yet I haven’t seen anybody talk about it!
So it’s no longer about forcing yourself to hustle, being productive all the time, and thinking that you should doing “x” when your body’s feeling “y.” But rather…
“it’s about honoring and respecting your body with where you’re naturally at, so that you can maximize your potential and achieve your goals without the ‘hustle.’” – Renae Fieck
Because recharging is more than just taking a break or space. Nor practicing self-care strategies. It’s more than that. And that’s what Rising Moms is going to tap into in 2022.
Hop onto to this episode as I elaborate why it’s important to tap into our hormonal cycles!
Other life-changing lessons in this episode…
- Why is a woman’s cycle a powerhouse
- Fighting the ‘shameful’ stigma around bleeding
- Overcoming the guilt about taking a break
- Using our cycles to leverage and unlock our goals
- What can you expect from RMC in 2022
This is the last episode that you will hear about the Rising Moms Club for this year. But this is us taking a break. And I encourage you to do the same. And RMC podcast is not going away! We are just going into a complete metamorphic transformation. And it’s going to be soooo exciting what the Rising Moms Podcast will have for you next year!
Reach Out to Me
So for the rest of 2021, RMC will be on hiatus. And if you are seeking some help or advice, you can reach me for personal or one-on-one consultation. I encourage you to go to renaefieck.com/strategy and register in one of those few spaces left for FREE calls!
In those calls, we are going to figure out where you are in your cycle right now, when you are the most proficient, what those big goals are, and the whole cycle of your body so that you are not going against yourself. There’s only a few slots left so grab them now before they fill up!
I hope you enjoy your holidays and I look forward to blowing your socks off in 2022! ?