Stories of Rising Moms: The One thing that Makes ALL the difference with Lindsay Schulze -60
So you’ve been wondering why life hasn’t got any better despite trying so hard to change your situation. Especially as a mom, it almost feel like life is just an everyday cycle of chaos-clean up-chaos. And that person you’ve always wanted to be seems to be just a fantasy.
But guess what? You have it all together more than you thought you ever did.
And instead of trying to change your circumstances, have you tried changing yourself instead? (See also How Motherhood Gives Us a Clean Slate.)
“Why is this so hard for me?”
Maybe it’s not about fulfilling the many roles you are expected as a mom, and a woman. Maybe it isn’t about trying so much to change your external circumstances. Rather, it may be about knowing and changing ourselves first, before we take on the roles and challenges of our world.
One of the amazing Rising Moms I have met, Lindsay, is here to share with us what she learned from our community and how she effectively changed her life by doing just one thing.
Other life-changing stuff you will learn in this episode…
- Effectively dealing with the chaos around you
- Shifting perspective and your approach to life
- How a support group helps in achieving her personal goals
- Being mindful of our self-talks
- The amazing effect of consciously recognizing thoughts, and making new thoughts
- Trying something different
In our community, we remind each other that everything doesn’t have to be perfect for it to be enjoyable. You’ve been working your butt off all the time and you just haven’t seen it because nothing’s been good enough.
There’s a lot of chaos all around you, but that doesn’t mean that that is what you have to be. The circumstances around you are essentially still the same, but it’s you, internally, that can be different.
“Your mindset makes all the difference.” -Lindsay Schulze
Meet Lindsay
Lindsay is a Rising Mom who is learning what good enough is, how to feel, and how to navigate this life in a way that is trusting, respectful, compassionate, clear and intentional for her heart and those dearest to her heart, most especially her husband and children.