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Loving Your whole Self with Shafonne Myers -60

Loving Your ‘Unlovable’ Image with Shafonne Myers -60

“Love Yourself”

Loving Your whole Self with Shafonne Myers -60This phrase is probably the most common advice given to us women, but is also the most difficult to follow— especially when your body size and other features do not fit well to ‘social standards.’

Because of our self-limiting thoughts, we also limit ourselves from doing the things that we are passionate about. And scarily enough, we also limit our children from reaching their full potential. If us moms are the primary role models of our kids, then what would they learn from a self-doubting, fearful mom?

“What you think about yourself, is how you show up in the world.” 

-Shaffone Myers

That’s why I invited in this episode self love coach, Shafonne. She will share with us some important things to remember when we’re feeling insecure of our image. (Check out how you can heal your postpartum body.)

Other life-changing stuff in this episode…

  • Dealing with your loud, inner mean girl
  • How you can easily accept and love your flaws
  • The surprising ripple effects of your confidence
  • Step by step layers towards loving yourself
  • Overcoming social ‘standards’ and others’ opinions
  • How to love your image without looking arrogant (differentiating arrogance with confidence)

Loving yourself mean you help not just your children, but also the world by showing up as your best self. You are your best self when you are feeling beautiful, happy, and loved regardless of your size and looks. It wouldn’t matter what someone else thinks about you. 


Meet Shafonne

Shafonne Myers is a media mogul and self love and self image business coach from Temecula, California. She graduated with a biology and psychology degree but always had a love for weddings and helping people. She built an internationally recognized, award-winning wedding publication for plus size brides, Pretty Pear Bride. Her wedding publication is the only one in the world and has solidified her as THE plus size bridal expert.

She has recently started offering private coaching for: plus size women ready to transform their lives by learning to love themselves, feeling beautiful, stopping the comparison game, and finding the courage within themselves to be themselves.

From her experience with working with the plus size industry, she also helps plus size female entrepreneurs gain the confidence to show up in their businesses so they stop playing small because they think their worth is tied to their weight.

These are both the true reflection of her zone of genius. Harnessing her fearlessness, determination, charisma and plain ole hustle, Shafonne empowers plus size women to release their fears and insecurities, embody their self worth, and get into action to become the best version of themselves in life and business.


Instagram: @shaffonemyers  and @prettypearbride

Facebook: @prettypearbride

Visit her wedding publication website:

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