Keeping Calm Even in the Busy Season
Today we are keeping it real and having a nice cozy chat in our pajamas! So get comfy and join me as we keep calm, even in the busy season!
Fill your cup
Even when you are at your limit, you can still find that time for yourself to stay sane. Practice the little things to keep your cup from running dry or there won’t be anything left for you or your family. This is especially true during the super busy seasons of life.
Be intentional…and utilize little nuggets of time
Compartmentalize your time and be super focused on one thing at a time. Be 100% there for whatever you are working on – work, kids, etc. Don’t try to multitask.
It is especially important to fit in little pockets of time with your family. It doesn’t have to be long, but a little bit of time can make a big difference. Be intentional with little moments of undivided attention with the kids.
Trying to multitask all the time will end up making everything take twice as much time and in the end you will just be wasting time and making it harder on yourself.
If you haven’t tuned into the episode #7 about living in rhythm and cycles, you totally need to do that!
It’s okay to multitask…the right way
However…doing things that will fill your cup simultaneously is okay, like exercising AND listening to a podcast at the same time. Taking care of your body and your mind at the same time. You can do the same thing with cooking or folding laundry. Pair the automatic or mundane tasks with something life giving that will fill your cup, like listening to a podcast. So you are getting stuff done and investing in yourself at the same time.
Forgive and give grace…to yourself!
Be forgiving of yourself! Give yourself some grace! Know that whatever season you are in, it will only be for a short time. Choose where you want to spend your energy and be okay with that even though some other things may temporarily fall by the way side.
Say “no”
Even with all of the crazy, it’s tempting to feel overwhelmed, but if you catch it quickly and change your mindset you can stay calm in the midst of it all. One big part of that is to be very aware of when you need to say “no” to people/opportunities. Intentionally evaluate if that one new opportunity is too much in this season of your life. Will it bring you joy or weigh you down?
Ask for help!
“Asking for help has got to be one of the bravest things I’ve seen a mom do.”
It’s so hard to do but it’s so very important. We are much better when we work together in community. It’s easy to decline help out of courtesy, or because we feel like we shouldn’t need it, but don’t ever decline the help. It actually makes us stronger as a person and stronger as a community. You need to ask for help and you need to be willing to accept help. When someone offers you help – don’t ever decline!
It doesn’t have to feel like chaos.
We can carry so much, but at the end of the day, if we are not careful, it will burn us out and we will be exhausted. But it doesn’t have to be that way, even in the crazy busy seasons. It’s hard but we can still be true to ourselves and take care of us.
I’d love to hear from you! Let me know what you took away from this podcast. If you can leave a review I would appreciate it so much! Thanks for tuning in!
If you’re tired of living in clutter and chaos, you need to download the 5 Steps to Break Free From Clutter.