Blog Posts

The Difference Between Those Who Achieve Their Dreams + Those Who Don’t

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about goals and dreams.

We all have them. Dreams of what we’d like to achieve, what we wish life would look like, or how we’d like things to be. So why is it that some people achieve them and some people don’t?

You may have dreams of being able to work from home so that you have the time freedom to be with your kids or travel. You might have dreams of working less overtime, or being able to just pay your rent with out stressing. Or maybe it’s to get out from beneath that massive pile of debt you’ve accrued over the course of life.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your dream is. You can achieve it if you believe you can.

I know that may seem hocus pocus but hear me out.

I’m going to share a little story with you.

When I was 16, I wanted a Jeep wrangler. I’d dated a guy who had one and fell in love (with the jeep!). I BEGGED, with a capital B, for my dad to buy me one. Can you guess his answer? Yup….the answer was a big N-O.

But I didn’t stop there.

I researched jeeps. I scoured to find the best deals. I continued the conversation with my dad. I drove through car lots and searched for months. And eventually I found THE ONE! I rationalized with my dad and negotiated. And eventually….he bought the jeep.

Now while he bought it for himself instead of for me, I still got the complete satisfaction of being able to drive it and have so many amazing memories of driving through town topless (the jeep of course!) with my girlfriends on the way to an afternoon hanging at the lake. I wouldn’t trade those memories for the world.

Recently my dad came to visit and he brought the jeep. As I drove it, it hit me.

The true difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t.


1. What you believe is possible, is possible.


2. Never stop persevering or let “no” dissuade you from going after your dreams


3. Visualize your goals as if they are completely real. I can guarantee you that as I was mapping out car lots and researching I could feel myself driving through town in that Jeep. I let my body completely embrace the vision and the emotions that I’d experience once that dream became reality.


So here’s my takeways for you today….

If you have a dream, don’t take no for an answer. Keep at it.

Visualize your life after you’ve accomplished your goal or dream. Embrace it as if it has already happened.

KNOW in your inner being that someday you WILL achieve your goals, and you will become unstoppable!

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