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The Mistakes People Make When Setting Goals with Katie Hardy -69

The Mistakes People Make When Setting Goals with Katie Hardy -69

Setting goals feels great. It makes us feel hopeful because we have something to look forward to. It is motivational at the start, until it becomes the very reason we become overwhelmed. The Mistakes People Make When Setting Goals with Katie Hardy -69

When we set our goals, we are often hard on ourselves while on the journey. We rush to change our habits/lifestyles, then falter if we don’t keep up. Or we expect to magically have everything perfect when we get there while we sacrifice our health along the way. Or worse, we realize  mid-struggle that we have set goals that are far from what we truly, personally value.

We often make mistakes in setting our goals and that’s okay! This is where we can learn and give ourselves another chance.

“You’re not failing. You’re just trying new things.” -Katie Hardy

It’s loving the Journey

What you need to remember is that you have to acknowledge that it is a process. It is who you become along the journey that matters most. And that your goals should be aligned to what you truly value and not what other people expect of you. Because if you didn’t set that goal for yourself, then you wouldn’t be learning the potential that you have and grow into your self-worth. (See also how your mindset can transform who you are.)

My friend Katie, who coaches momentum-seeking women, is here with us to share her amazing pieces of advice on setting our goals and how to actually achieve them.

Other life-changing stuff you will learn in this episode…

  • Step by step guide on setting goals and clear vision
  • Knowing the habits that work for you based on your personality
  • Secrets to maintaining habits and sticking to them
  • Letting go of the unnecessary expectations and defining your values
  • What we need to learn from our children
  • Tips to better control your thoughts
  • Owning the second chances in life

The sure way to achieve unhappiness would be living your day based on someone else’s values. Put yourself first and set your personal goals so you have more enthusiasm in caring for your loved ones.

Meet Katie

Katie is a mom to two boys and she helps momentum-seeking women figure out how they can consistently and confidently build and show up show up for a Total Wellness Lifestyle based on their unique personality, schedule & goals. She teaches women to love themselves while getting healthy not just when they get to that end goal of being healthy. Unlike other wellness programs, she has her proprietary mind model which combines renowned forces of Duke Health certification integrated wellness and behavior change, brene brown, the enneagram, and universal law.

Get her Inner Boss, Out of Wellness Planning Guide freebie on her website:

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