Summer Series: Soothing Sunburns with Essential Oils
Gardening and planting my summer garden is one of my favorite things to do! I just love it! When we finally got our fence done, I feverishly worked on getting my garden boxes done and planted. It was a cloudy day, my baby was sleeping, and my toddler was helping. It didn’t even occur to me to put on sunscreen. I didn’t even realize how burnt I had become until I went to get in the shower. That’s when I took this picture.
Fortunately, it didn’t hurt too bad but as soon as I got out of the shower, I went to the oils! There are a couple different remedies and options.
Sunburn Soothing Gel
(this is the one I used, and then switched out peppermint for frankincense once it cooled a little)
- 1 tsp of aloe vera
- 2-3 drops of lavender oil
- 1-2 drops of peppermint oil
Sunburn Spray #1
- 16oz. glass spray bottle
- 1 cup + 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Juice
- 1/4 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1 teaspoon Vitamin E
- 8 drops lavender oil
- 8 drops melaleuca oil
- 8 drops Roman Chamomile oil
Sunburn Spray #2
- 20 drops of Lavender
- 10-20 drops of Pepeprmint
- 2 ounce spray bottle
- Fill the remainder with either water or fractionated coconut oil.
(Once the initial sting is worn away, you can trade the peppermint oil for frankincense oil)
- 1 tsp of aloe vera
- 2-3 drops of lavender oil
- 1-2 drops of frankincense oil