Summer Series: Removing a Splinter
Walking around barefoot, relaxing on the sand, basking in the sunlight…only a few of the wonderful things that summer brings. But in those blissful months, there can be a few deterrents. My first…a Splinter. Right in the middle of my foot! Right where my flip flop strap hit. It made walking in sandals uncomfortable. Who can have that during summer?
This little bugger was big and completely lodged under skin. It wasn’t deep and I probably could have fished it out by slicing the top few layers of skin and digging it out. But I had read some information about using baking soda and lavender oil to get it to come out. I gave it a try.
I mixed a few drops of lavender oil with about 1/2 tsp of baking soda and a few drips of water. I mixed it into a thick paste and applied to my splinter and covered with a bandaid. I kept it on over night.
The next morning, when I went to remove the splinter, it didn’t look like much had happened. Honestly, I was pretty bummed that it didn’t work. Anticipating beginning to dig it out, I slid the tweezers along the edge of the splinter from the end without the opening, towards the opening. To my surprise, the thing literally slid right out! I wish I had it on camera! So, there you have it! It works! I’ve heard it works with just lavender oil itself, as well but figured the both together made it most effective.
Splinter Removal Recipe
- 2-3 drops of lavender oil
- ~1/2 tsp of Baking Soda
- Few drops of water
- Bandaid