Stories of Rising Moms: Rising After Miscarriage with Liz Lauterbach
Today’s episode is beautiful. I welcomed one of my clients to share with us her inspiring story of healing. If you have been with me long in this podcast, you would know that I love walking with women in their journey towards positive transformation, and helping them rise above the issues we face as moms. And this is one of the ways I’d like to motivate my clients, and at the same time inspire more women through this podcast.
The Pain of Losing the Unborn
Probably one of the mooooost painful things that could happen to a mom or mom-to-be is lose their unborn child. And we don’t want it to happen to us or anyone because miscarriage just rocks you to your core. It feels like the end of the world.
But it’s NOT.
Miscarriages can bring us a lot of anxiety, trust issues, and especially fears in our second pregnancy. But we could totally rise above this situation just like my client Liz, a writer and a mom, who used her pain as gateway to growth and more opportunities in life. She was able to let go of that need to control everything after the success of her second and then third pregnancy (which is extremely difficult if you’ve experienced losing a baby!)
From reinvesting in her marriage to finding creative outlets, Liz tries many different ways to get back up and she’s here in this podcast to share her journey towards healing. (See also How to Get Back Up after Divorce.)
Other life-changing stuff you will learn in this episode…
- The amazing story of how Liz recovered from postpartum depression
- Why finding the ‘right’ doctor is important in your pregnancy, and also therapist for your healing
- The importance of releasing anxiety and feeling of confident in your pregnancy
- Overcoming that uncontrollable mom guilt
- The right questions to ask yourself for improvement
- Letting go and the small steps you could take to feel good about the things you can’t control
Recognize that no matter what happens, there is always room to grow. It’s not gonna be easy, but “growth” is always uncomfortable and we need to accept that. By recognizing what needs to be changed in ourselves, nothing can stop us from rising, mama!
“We need to fill ourselves up, in order to fill up everyone around us.”
-Liz Lauterbach
Meet Liz
She’s a mom of two happy and healthy little boys who found her passion for writing after she miscarried her first pregnancy. Writing became an outlet for her to share her story and helped not only herself walk through the grieving and healing process, but allow that voice be an opportunity for other women to walk through that healing process as well.
Know more of her story and life advice in her blog:
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FB: My Mama Side
IG: ljlauterbach