Achieving Your Goals & Dreams with Kerry Petsinger- 014
How do you pursue your dreams among the day to day
Decide what your core values are
You first have to know what your values in life are. What are those things that matter the most and what do you want your life to be about?
When you know exactly what matters most to you, you can then begin to decide what things you need to cut from your life or what you want to spend the most amount of time with.
You need to be aware that you and your spouse may have different core values. Communication is key. It’s incredibly powerful to discuss with your spouse what your core values as an entire family are going to be.
Your mind can determine whether you live the life you want or you don’t
We think we have less control over our situations than we really do.
Kerry Petsinger
The first thing to do is start watching the way you talk about time. If you find yourself saying “I don’t have enough time,” begin to take ownership of your time by instead saying “I choose not to make time for that right now.”
When you begin to take ownership of your time, you start having the capacity to live your life with intention and the way you want to live.

What we believe is capable for us, will greatly impact what is possible for us.
Kerry Petsinger
You have to believe you have the capability to achieve the goals you want to achieve. If you have the belief, then you begin to actually take the steps to achieve your goals.
Confidence will come from taking action
You learn by doing. If you wait till you have the skill before you have action, you’ll never actually take the action.
Commit to doing the things that scare you and your confidence and belief will begin to grow.
Work on your belief in increments
Start with smaller achievable goals that you believe you can achieve. As you begin to achieve those goals, you begin to increase your belief in what you’re capable of achieving.
Small increments at a time can help you achieve big and insurmountable goals which don’t necessarily feel achievable as a whole.
When you have nay-sayers
Oftentimes, people around you may not actually see your dream like you do. When they don’t believe in the dream you have it’s often because they haven’t seen the amount of work, the vision, and belief you’ve created over a long period of time.
Other times, people that care about you want to make sure you stay safe. Seeing you step out of your comfort zone with the possibility of failure can be scary for them.
Seeing you step out of your comfort zone and go after your dreams can make others face their own feelings regarding goals and dreams they did not go after.
Nay-sayers will begin to see your dream as you begin to take action and begin to create results.
Your personal board of directors
No matter where you are in life, you’re going to be bombarded by other people’s opinions of what you should be doing. You need to determine who are the people you want to listen to in each category of life. “Your own personal board of directors.” This enables you focus in on who you really want to learn from and to tune out opinions that don’t matter so much to you.
Every one else is bringing their own background, feelings, and emotions to your situation. Their background isn’t yours. So their choice isn’t going to be the same as yours.
Give yourself permission to live according to your purpose
You need to give yourself the space to know what and how you want to live your life and to choose to do the things that align with that purpose.
As you begin to take steps towards your purpose, you will continue to build momentum the more steps you take towards it.
Choose 1 thing every day
Have a plan for each and every day for how you will move towards your goals each day. Just choose 1 thing to move you forward each day.
One thing that you can remove from your calendar?
One action you could take towards your goals?
Just choose one small step to take today.
Meet Kerry
Dr. Kerry Petsinger is a Mindset and Performance Coach and Founder of Success that Matters®, a consulting company helping individuals and organizations create high levels of purpose-driven performance. She is a doctor of physical therapy, entrepreneur, and writer. She has taught her Mornings that Matter® G.E.T.U.P. Formula to people from over 70 countries and her ’30 Powerful Questions to Find Your Passion’ workbook has been used by people in 167 countries. You can visit her website at www.kerrypetsinger.com.
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