#MomLife: When It Feels Like Too Much with Alison Wallwork -020
Sometimes we don’t take our own advice! But it’s important to take the rest that you need and listen to your body! When you are done with this episode, go listen to episode 7 where I encourage you to listen to your cycles.
“Even in the tough seasons, be where your feet are.”
There is always so much going on, it’s so easy to live distracted. That makes it hard to be fully present in the current moment. But even in the hard moments, we need to learn how to be where our feet are. We are experiencing life in all of these moments. We need to also be intentional in them.
All things
There is always so much going on. Are we really being effective? Are we doing all these things well? As moms, we long for that affirmation. We don’t typically have people telling us that yes, we are doing a great job in all these things so we may begin to wonder.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
What are “all things” in this verse? Name those things…”I want to be intentional in my moments with my kids” so replace the words “all things” and say “I can be intentional in these moments with my kids through Christ who strengthens me”. Put that into the sentence. I can __ through Christ who strengthens me.
Take all the insecurities you have and put them in the fill-in-the blank of “all things” from the verse.
I can’t do these things in my own strength, but I can do them through Christ’s strength in me. We need to replace our strength with His. His strength will never run out. We need to live our lives in that place. We don’t have to do it all in our own strength. God wants to meet us in the midst of “all the things” and offer us His strength.
Finding that time during the day to get your alone time with God is so important. But it’s hard to find something deep enough, but not too time consuming. We need something to remind us of God’s truth that we will remember and that we can hold on to throughout our busy days. The devotional book, Mom’s Life, is meatier than a little 2 minute devotion, but it isn’t overwhelming and time consuming for the busy mom. You work through the same scripture for 5 days, how it applies to your life and how you can hold on to that truth.
That’s where the refreshing takes place, when we can get a hold of God’s Word and apply it to our lives today, as wives, as moms.
If you want more help setting up a morning routine listen to the following podcast episode – Why You Need A Morning Routine & How To Establish One That Will Change Your Life
Final thoughts
Embrace the season that you are in now. Be where your feet are. We are all in our own season. Seasons always change so embrace the season you are in now. Live your moments as they are happening. As mundane as it may seem, these are the moments that make up our lives and our memories. So be intentional in them.
Meet Alison
I’m a wife, mom of 4 boys, pastor, author, & encourager. I lost my dad to suicide when I was 10, and was raised by a single mom, who I lost to cancer 4.5 years ago. I’ve had my faith shaken to the core and experienced God’s grace and redeeming love in the dark days as well as in every other season. I’m passionate about encouraging others through the principles of God’s Word.
Find Alison’s books, #MomLife Devotional Study: An Invitation to Catch Your Breath and Living Freedom: Losing a Spiritual 10 lbs
Connect with Alison atwww.theencouragementaly.com
Instagram: @theencouragementaly & Facebook: Alison Wolfe Wallwork