5 Meaningful & Clutterless Gift Ideas
I have received SOOO many black Friday emails already. It is so crazy! Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened and people are already planning out their weekly shopping. Is your email box full with the deals too?
And while I’m all about being wise and frugal with money, can I challenge you a little bit? Instead of shopping for stuff, can you shop for memory making and adventures? Make a shift in your spending and recognize what you truly want to feel and cultivate this holiday season.
Here are 5 potential things to shop for this weekend without getting caught up in the stuff.
- Memberships. Places like the zoo, YMCA, amusement parks (aka Disney!!) & museums
- Adventures/Nights Out:Â gift certificates to things such as kayaking, a getaway, wine tasting, movie tickets, broadway show, mini golf, bowling, or similar (Groupon may be a great option for this)
- Self Care: massages, pedicures, hair appointment, health and fitness gift certificates
- Restaurants: It’s so fun to go out and have a date night with the expenses already paid for up front!
Additional Tip: Shop with a list. I like to shop with the “something they want, need, wear, and read” mentality but sometimes with all the other people in our lives, it seems that even with just that, our kids receive sooo much. I would much rather give my kids a trip to Disneyland or a weekend away than to buy them tons of toys that lose their thrill the morning after Christmas. So for us this Christmas, I plan to buy each of my kids a few things they NEED and the rest will be fun adventure and memory filled!
And regardless of what comes up this Christmas season, remember…it’s okay to say no sometimes. Sometimes it’s essential to say no to things so that we can make the most amazing memories and totally LOVE the things we are doing!
Remember, the greatest gift you can give your family and the ones you love is the gift of your TIME. Nothing is more valuable than YOU.
P.S.- If you haven’t downloaded my 5 Steps to Break Free from Clutter, you should totally do so! 😉 I want you to fully enjoy this holiday season without having to constantly clean up toys, scramble after the kids, or spend every waking hour scrubbing toilets for arriving guests. Really…that is not what the holidays are for.