

take a week off every month, 



by leveraging your body’s natural superpower…

your menstrual cycle

Get the proven system that allows you to spend less time hustling to create content, easily attract more clients, and create your dream business while taking a week off every single month. Say Goodbye to the burnout!




If you’re a driven, ambitious woman with big goals, chances are you’ve been told that in order to achieve your goals you need to be more consistent.

Yet, as most business owners know…there’s a lot of pieces to building a business...from writing emails to creating content to showing up live and supporting your clients (and more!).

So how do you stay consistent with all of it with a finite amount of time and juggling all the other parts of life???

It’s easy to then find yourself getting up early, going to bed late, squeezing things into the cracks of life….trying to be consistent in all the things from running your business to managing life.

You might actually be getting it all done, but is constant hustle really how you want to be living?

And maybe it feels like no matter how consistent you are, your business is growing but not as fast as you want… leaving no time for a break.

You’ve got the dream. But maybe you start to question whether the journey to that dream is actually even worth it. 

It’s enough to leave even the most organized and ambitious woman feeling exhausted and frustrated…(or worse, on the brink of burning out!)


So many experts will tell you… the key is consistency.

So you keep hustling and pushing But it’s leaving you exhausted


And then thoughts like….

     “if I could just get a few extra hours” or 

     “if I just work a little bit harder or be more consistent” or

     “why does this seem so much easier for everyone else”  or 

     “I just need to get better at focusing” 

     “I’ll just take a break after this next big project”

…seem to creep in making you feel like the problem is you.

How could it be possible to keep going on like this without eventually burning out?

Maybe that dream life you desire to create is in fact just that…only a dream.


But the truth is…

It’s not your fault…and the problem isn’t you.

The problem is…

The 24-hour schedule is wasting your time. 

Have you ever noticed some days you feel great…you’re checking off the to-do list, you feel confident on camera, you create loads of content that feels powerful, you feel engaged and inspired, full of momentum and big ideas and tackling your biggest projects?

While other days… eh, not so much …getting on social media is the last thing you want to do, you feel unmotivated, stumbling over your words, triggered and irritated with your family, and wondering why it feel so hard to stay consistent when you were crushing it just a few weeks ago?

You’re not crazy! These shifts are completely normal (and can actually become your greatest strengths).

If you’re like most women it’s because you were taught to manage your time using a 24-hour calendar system.

The 24-hour schedule assumes that your energy, productivity, and focus are the same throughout the day… and from one day to the next.  

This time system is ideal for men because it functions similar to testosterone… refreshing and replenishing every 24 hours.

And this 24-hour system is why you can feel caught on a hamster wheel of juggling work and life because women aren’t designed to live this way. 

The problem with most time-management strategies is you’re still using them within the 24 hour schedule which is like putting a band-aid on a broken bone.

instead of the 24-hour schedule, 

your body was designed to run on a 28-day cycle calendar.


Rather than the 24 hour testosterone cycle, women have estrogen and progesterone, which shift and change creating a 28-day cycle that impacts the way you feel throughout the entire month…

These changes impact…

  • the way your brain thinks,
  • how much energy you have,
  • what your mood feels like,
  • your level of focus and productivity,
  • how creative you are,
  • and so much more.

Virtually, every part of your day-to-day is impacted by these shifts but you’ve likely never been taught it before…until now. 

so, if your body was designed to run on a 28-day cycle but you’re still using a 24-hour calendar, 

how CAN you expect to EVER feel like you have enough time or energy to achieve your biggest goals?


  • Spend too many days forcing yourself to get something done, even when you don’t want to.
  • Multitasking tasks, flipping between a million tabs open on their screen, and jumping from one thing to the next, taking up to 10x longer to get the same task done.
  • Feeling like you’re missing out on precious memories with your families because there’s just not enough time for both business and family (and boy, do kids grow up fast!)
  • Doubting that you have what it takes to hit your dreams and looking to others for the answers
  • Working into the wee hours of night and rising before the sun breaks, just trying to get ahead….leaving you exhausted.
  • Burning out is on the horizon or feeling such high levels of stress that is impacting sleep, weight, fertility, relationships, and so much more.

Here's the Secret...

Leveraging your cycle and operating within your 28-day cycle calendar is the 

easiest way to attract new clients, generate more revenue and thrive as a woman (and mom)!


Working With Your Body’s 28 Day Cycle will allow you to…

Hit your biggest revenue months, work less hours, be present for your family AND still have time for self care.

You can experience some of the benefits our members have discovered…

  • Producing an entire month’s worth of content in just one week.
  • Focusing on your Profitable Priorities and actually get them done without being distracted by all the other projects.
  • Knowing when to launch or show up live so that you’re more likely to attract your ideal clients.
  • Having more time for vacations, time off, or whatever your heart might fancy.
  • Having time, attention, and energy for your business, your family, and yourself

your body was designed to run on a 28-day cycle,

your business should too!

Imagine getting more done in less time

Giving you MORE time for the things YOU want to be doing.

And making a greater IMPACT.

It is possible! And I’m going to show you how…

but making the change on your own

is harder than you think

Seems pretty straight forward, right?

Snap a few Pinterest posts and just start aligning with your cycle.

Unfortunately, it’s not.

How many people do you know that have bounced from diet to diet or between a multitude of exercise routines and still struggle to get results?

They know what to do, yet actually doing it isn’t so easy.

And they’re often missing a few key foundational elements that they don’t even realize they need.

The same thing happens when it comes to leveraging your cycle to optimize your time and life.

It’s easy to snag an infographic and start implementing changes, 

but what happens when life or your cycle changes? 

Do you throw in the towel and see it as just another system you tried but failed?

Or do you want to actually create a sustainable rhythm that sticks for the long haul and has long term benefits?

If you would rather the latter, keep reading…



your cycle advantage isn’t just a course

…it’s a complete transformation

You will never look at your body, life, or business the same ever again.

You'll discover with your sustainable plan and strategy that operates with ease and flow that adapts when life derails your plan

You'll feel in control of the to-do list, knowing exactly when to be doing it so that it takes you half the time and optimizes your body and brain.

You'll feel confident in how you're showing up in both life and business

You'll finally feel like you've been granted permission to build your business YOUR way, taking guilt free breaks, and still crushing your biggest goals

Become a part of an exclusive high vibe community of women determined and committed to see you succeed



get more done than ever before

“I thought something was wrong with me. My business and life would fluctuate and I’d get so overwhelmed. Now when I’m in my head and negative…I take a deep breath and know it’s just the phase of my cycle… I know if I can do what I need to support my body, I’ll get through it so much easier.

I get so much more done now than I ever did before. I feel so much better about myself”

-Sara B.

Changes within the first month

This course is life changing, and that’s not an over exaggeration. It’s truly incredible and has already been helping me in just a month’s time. I’m excited because I know I’ll learn and apply more each month.” 

-Ashlee P.

Is it right for mE?

“I really wondered if it was right for me…. It’s not about the hustle and being on top of things. But allowing my cycle to support me.

I’ve tried goal setting in the past but wasn’t very successful. Setting feminine goals became such a pivotal moment for me.”

-Karen Gibb, Mind marvels

I thought something was wrong with me

I was doing all the things that I thought made me more productive…time blocking, scheduling, to-do lists, etc but I often found myself struggling to execute what was planned and scheduled. Drowning in overwhelm, guilt & frustration around why I couldn’t ‘get my act together.'” I thought there was something wrong with me. 


Knowing that I actually have different phases of productivity has allowed me to approach all areas of my life with more ease and confidence. I’ve been able to get out of stuck mode in my business and into the flow of productivity. I’ve learned how to harness the energy of my cycle to map out my peak time to plan content, projects, and be more visible, and most importantly when to slow down and reflect. Working with Renae has given me the permission to accept that I don’t always have to be pushing hard to be productive and get the results I desire both in my business and in life.

-Millie B.

learning to listen to my body

“The differences have been big. The mindset shifts have been HUGE.

Learning to listen my body has become something I do more and more. 

Life doesn’t always follow the cycle but learning to adapt and support myself when life doesn’t match has been huge.”

-Heather M.

respecting rhythms have allowed me to succeed

This course is perfect for busy moms who want to maximize their energy and time. I am learning to listen to my body and my inner self, to give myself what I need, and to plan ahead according to the Four Phases of my cycle. Following and respecting my natural rhythms allows me to succeed in my career, to be present with my family, and to do the things I love.

-Michelle C.

And now it's your turn...

let me show you what’s waiting for you inside 

once you become a member…

The entire Signature Cycle Advantage system™️

designed to harness the power of your body so you can do less while achieving more

Module 1: the language of your body

  • Discover the language of your body to create more stability, flow, and rhythm
  • Unlock superpowers within each of your Four Phases.
  • Uncover exactly when you should be performing each task in your life so that you get them done faster and easier.
  • The single greatest question you can ask yourself every day that will sky rocket your productivity AND balance. 
  • Happy Healthy Hormone guide, meal plans, and recipe guide to support your body from the inside out
integrate your cycle

Module 2: embody your cycle

  •  Discover the exact steps to integrate your cycle into your life so that you can maximize your time and operate from your feminine. 
  • Go to strategies that make tracking and integrating your cycle automatic and fool proof
  • Discover how to leverage your cycle even when it’s irregular

Module 3: define your cycle story

  • The missing ingredient to mastering cycle syncing that you won’t find on Pinterest or google.
  • The truth about your body that society or your mother never told you.
  • The single most important ingredient to activating your cycle’s superpowers. 

Module 4: your week off every month schedule

  • Get the clarity you need to take actions towards your goals in a way that feels authentic and aligned
  • Exact steps to create goals designed in rhythm with your feminine flow so that you can actually achieve them.
  • Know exactly what you should be focusing on and prioritizing so that you achieve your goals without hustling
  • Go-to tools to regulate your nervous system to manifest your goals with ease versus hustle

Module 5: Biohack Your day to Create The time & energy you Need

  •  Discover how to be in control of your time, and adapt when life doesn’t go as planned 
  • Gain the tools to create cycle driven routines and habits that are flexible, aligned, yet effective. 
  • The secrets to maximizing your time so you can actually check off the to-do list AND make memories with your family.
  • Discover your unique daily rhythm and routine for maximum focus, energy, and productivity.
become a feminine leader

Module 6: effortless attraction

  • Effortlessly attract clients, opportunities, success and abundance by activating your feminine magnetism
  • Discover the key elements of becoming a feminine leader and leading your business from your feminine
  • Activate and empower your feminine energy so that you create both flow and an overflow of abundance, success, and ease in your life
  • Access your inner intuition and take inspired actions that create momentum rather than getting distracted by shiny objects

Ok, so what is the investment?

Your Cycle Advantage will give you the results you desire. 

because it’s not a basic infographic or what you’ll gain by simply reading a book.

It’s an investment that will pay you back in massive dividends.

An investment that will not only pay you back for the rest of your life,

but even beyond your lifetime…imagine the legacy you’re creating for your children and grandchildren.

Imagine what might become possible for your daughters when they embrace their bodies from the beginning. 

And imagine, if we can collectively raise a generation of men who honor and respect a woman’s body and it’s rhythms.

You have the power to create a family legacy that values the feminine cycle and the power in trusting your body WHILE building the business of your dreams. 

A family legacy that sets up it’s future generations with the ability to enjoy life without exhaustion. 

It’s a transformation that frees you from society’s unrealistic expectations of mom life that keeps you stuck and exhausted.

It’s an opportunity to set you free to embrace your time the way women were designed to live 

so that you have the time, energy, and capacity to scale your business while raising your family without regrets.

It’s exactly what I teach my 1:1 Clients for a fraction of the cost.

I want you to experience this life changing transformation

…because you deserve to thrive in biz and home.

The doors to Your Cycle Advantage are ONLY open for a few days so that we can focus on supporting our clients. 

And you can be come one of them and get started with your transformation for just $444 today.

And when you weigh the value of that against what you’ll gain….

more revenue in your business, ease and flow in creating content, and presence with your family

than it seems like a no-brainer.

Plus what else might become possible for you when you start feeling like you have extra time to spare? 

Enroll in Your Cycle Advantage today

for just $77 

Still got questions before enrolling? 

We got you! Send an email to [email protected]

Your Cycle Advantage
Flow Collective Mastermind
Entire Cycle Advantage System & Methodology (Value $997)​
Private Community & Group Support (Value $797)​

Gain access to a network and community of other like minded women

Four Phases Complete Cycle Guide (Value $37)​

Your quick resource guide to your cycle so that you know exactly what to do each phase and how to support your body the entire month

Your Cycle Advantage Journal (Value $19)

Your daily journal with the habits for feminine success and abundance in life and business

Your Happy Healthy Hormones Guide (Value $17)​

Your go-to guide, recipes, and tools for supporting your hormones and a regular rhythmical cycle

Your Partner's Guide to Your Cycle (Value $17)​

Ever wish your partner knew exactly what to say and how to support you each phase of the month? Just had over this guide and they'll know just that

Your Ultimate PMS Relief Guide (Value $17)​

Discover the natural remedies that will kick those nasty PMS symptoms to the curb

1 Year of High Touch Group Coaching
Monthly Live Cycle Integration Calls (Value $1200)​

You'll create a deeper relationship with your body and your rhythms so that you can access a deeper level of ease and flow in your schedule, your business, and your body

Monthly Live Feminine Business Mastery Calls (Value $1200)​

We'll dive into specific tools, systems, or strategies that you can implement to create more authenticity, ease, and growth in your business

Monthly Live Embodiment, Breathwork, Somatic Practice Calls (Value $1200)​

You'll receive breathwork, somatic healings, and feminine embodiment supports to help you tap into that feminine leader within you

One 1:1 Support Sessions (value $500)​

Get direct support and feedback regarding your cycle, your schedule, and crafting a feminine business

Live In Person Retreat (value $5000)​

Get an all-inclusive live in person retreat designed to transform both you and your business and AMPLIFY the impact you create in the world (travel to the retreat location not included) 

Satisfaction guarantee

a simple guarantee with big results

When you join into this course, I will GUARANTEE you’ll increase productivity, feel more at ease and balance, and so many other ripple effects…


Just send us an email anytime during the first 30 days and we’ll happily refund you.


2x'd my revenue this year

I felt like I needed to get better organized or get a better plan. 

I was drowning and unmotivated. 

I’ve now figured out how to work with my own unique body rhythm.

I was able to 2x my business revenue this last year.

I was missing this piece when working with other business coaches that were more masculine driven.

It has been a huge blessing and an amazing ride.

-Millie Barra, energy healer for moms

I'm no longer burning out

I’m scheduling tasks within the realm of when I’m best at achieving them…it’s made ALL the difference.

I have more focus in my business.

I’m less stressed because I have a system to work within my phases.

I am not a failure because my drive ebbs and flows throughout the month.

I learned to look at consistency differently and find freedom for yourself.

-Becky Zerr, new horizons


When you join Your Cycle Advantage, you’ll also get these MASSIVE Bonuses to make it even easier for you


(value $279)

magnetize more clients

Discover how and WHEN to create content that will have your audience reaching out to you for help....and doing it less than an hour a week.

simplified content creation calendar

Create content based around your hormones so that you radiate when you show up, speak in powerfully, and connect with your audience.

Plug and play system for creating social media content effortlessly (without having to show up every day!) so that you can focus your time and energy on the parts of your business that matter most.

Launch with ease



So many times women dread "launching."

Yet the chances are why so many women dread it is because
1) They don't have a proven plan or system or
2) What plan they may have doesn't account for their bodies rhythms, leaving you pushing and hustling and pressured to get everything done at the last minute.

This launch blueprint will give you the exact system and plan I use within my business to create 5-figure launches that feel light, easy, and fun!

Trust me when I tell ya, that with this system... I LOVE launching! Because it has a flow that aligns will align your business to your life and body, rather than sacrificing your sanity for a launch.

checklists for each phase

With these templates, you'll know exactly when you should be recording your videos, writing your ads, posting to social, or writing a sales page so that your body is in the flow.

(value $97)

flow of riches

BONUS #3 : Flow of Riches:

Manifesting Abundance Daily

(value $79)

Cycle Powered manifestation Meditations

Dive into customized meditations tailored towards releasing and activating more abundance in each phase of your cycle.

Discover the unique energies within you during menstruation, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases. Align your energy with abundance and let prosperity flow through every cycle phase.

Experience a profound shift in your relationship with money, paving the way for financial freedom.

Breathe your way to riches

Breathe in financial freedom and exhale those money worries!

Engage in powerful breathwork exercises designed for each phase of your cycle to release any limiting beliefs or blocks keeping you from having more abundance than you know what to do with!

Transform your mindset, invite clarity, and empower your financial journey with every breath.

queen of delegation

BONUS #4: 



(value $79)

unlock the secrets to effective delegation

Seamlessly hire and integrate a VA into your business so that you can get more of your time back so that you can spend more of your time as the leading and scaling your business.

get back 25 hours of your time for less than $100/month

Get the exact step by step system to hire your first VA, spend less than $100/month, and gain back at least 5 hours a week.

imagine if we could change a generation...

My business is moving forward, my life is in order significantly more, just all around energetically organized.

I always felt like I was failing because I’d lose my momentum, until I learned about working in a cycle.

To be able to help my kids is HUGE and to change a generation.

-Anna Marie Madai, balanced nest

So Let's Recap...

When you join the Your Cycle Advantage you get access to support, community, coaching, and training that will transform your cycle into your biggest asset.

The Entire cycle advantage system and methodology (with All Future Updates)

Value of $997

Private community & group support

Value of $797

four phases Complete Cycle guide

Value of $37

Bonus #1: Magnetic social media in 1 hour a week

Value of $297

Bonus #2: Launch with ease & Flow: Your 60 days to YOur Cyclical launch blueprint

Value of $97

Bonus #3: CYcle of Riches: Manifesting abundance daily

Value of $79

Bonus #4: queen of delegation: how to hire your first va

Value of $79

That’s a total value of $2,304 for only $77 today

yca was transforming

I had the skills to know how to manage my day but something was missing because I wasn’t getting things done like I needed to or wanted to.

The concept of using my phases was new and wasn’t sure about at first.

It really was transforming, I’m not sure how else to describe it.

I’m now able to plan out my weeks and get things accomplished in a way that feels aligned and easier.

-sara ross, Business coach for moms

It's taught me how to listen to my body

When I started my business I didn’t like the hustle culture, snapping at my kids, feeling like I wasn’t doing enough.

All my tasks are purposely scheduled out with my cycle.

It’s taught me how to understand my body’s rhythms, how to be present, and deliver the best services to my clients.

I recorded my first podcast series and am hosting a retreat next year. There’s no way in a million years I would have had the mindset, confidence , and belief to do all that without YCA.


-Catherine Smith, freelancer coach

Now, you get to make a choice…

As you know, you can choose to do nothing, and nothing changes. 

You could keep hustling and wishfully hoping that the more you do, the more successful you’ll become. 

Yet, what are you going to sacrifice if you have to continue hustling in order to reach your goals?

…your family?

…your marriage?

…your friends?

…your own health or sanity?

…your business revenue?

…your greatest ideas and highest productivity?

…are the regrets or sacrifice worth it to you?

Sure, you could wait…

but how long are you willing to sacrifice 

today for the dreams of the future?

Where do you see yourself headed if you continue to feel caught feeling like there’s never enough time to get all the things done that you actually need to move your business forward?

What if things don’t change and you can continue on this same trajectory for the next 6 months? 1 year? 5 years?

How long can you keep going the way it is now?

What are you going to miss out on if you wait any longer?

I’m guessing that working harder wasn’t really why you became an entrepreneur. 

In fact, I’m guessing you already know you want…

    • To scale your business without hustling or pushing out of alignment
    • To be present with your family and cherish the memories and moments
    • To feel like you have enough time for what matters most
    • To find guilt-free rest and restoration without letting the balls drop
    • To get off the constant content creation wheel and have a sustainable system in place

…then now is your chance to click the button below and join in with us.

Don’t waste another year dreaming of what could be…Or waiting for things to magically become easier.

My team and I are standing by to help you reach your biggest goals without sacrificing what matters to you.

Questions??? I got ya!

Me: I hear you! I know that feeling. When life is crazy and it seems like one more thing will tip ya over, it’s hard to add anything in. But if what you’re doing is keeping you strapped on time, when will it ever change…unless your open to trying something different?


Time is the number one reason I created this course. If you never have enough time and are always late, this is where you need to be.

This will add time back into your day.
It’s designed to work with your life…

Me: I have soooo been there! I’ve spent so much money in online courses. And honestly, some haven’t been worth my money. I’ve been disappointed and frustrated with feeling I’ve wasted money. So I’d NEVER want to do that to you. Which is why we have our 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason, you do the work and aren’t happy with the results, you get 100% of your money back. 

And can I ask, what are your finances going to look like if nothing changes and keeps going as they are?

Me: Summer’s starting, Christmas is coming. There’s always something.
If we’re being honest, it’s never the right time when you have kids. But do you want to wake up as your children move out, regretting not savoring those precious years. Since the day they were born, your schedule has been a mess – right? Until you decide you want to make the change, you’ll never have the time. And food for thought….what is it costing you to stay in the spot you’re in now? What might it cost you if nothing changes in 6 months? A year? 5 years?

For as long as the course exists, you’ll retain ongoing access and to all future updates too!

While we’d say “lifetime”, a lifetime is a long time and we’re never really sure what the future holds. So if there was ever a time when the course ceased to exist, you would be notified and given access to download all content so you could further retain access.

We get it! Women are unique and your cycles are unique too. However, one thing we’ve discovered is that all women are rhythmical. So maybe your cycle doesn’t follow a 28-day cycle exactly, you do have a rhythm. And inside Your Cycle Advantage our goal is to help you discover that natural rhythm so that you can then leverage it.

Meet the Founder

Renae Fieck

renae Fieck

This is me...

I am so excited you’re interested in joining Your Cycle Advantage

I know this will transform your life.

I’m Renae Fieck and I empower women to master the art being present with their family while scaling their businesses beyond 6-figures, without hustling or feeling out of alignment.

I’m a mompreneur, podcaster, speaker, and the founder of the Your Cycle Advantage.

There’s nothing more rewarding for me than to see my clients lives changed–for them to be living a life of their own design.


What might become possible if you were working in alignment with your body’s natural rhythms and your feminine energy.

If you were able to take a week off every single month…how that would impact the way you show up for yourself, your family, and your clients?

© Renae Fieck // Privacy Policy

ready to
clear the clutter?

When you fill in your email below, we’ll send it right over to you so that you can start clearing out the clutter and gain back your time!

    PS- We 100% respect your privacy. It’s not cool to sell people’s information. So rest assured, your info is safe with us. You can find out more about our privacy policy here.